Napa County saw sky-high numbers for voter registration, but exceptionally low in-person voter turnout in the 2020 general election.

Mail-in ballots were particularly popular this year amid the coronavirus pandemic. The night before Election Day, more than 2.7 million Bay Area voters had already cast ballots.

Napa County had a total 44,934 ballots cast for the Nov. 3 election, at least 42,180 of which were vote-by-mail, according to unofficial election night results.

Some 2,700 ballots were cast in person at one of Napa County’s vote centers on or before Election Day.

With 84,845 registered voters in Napa County, the overall turnout for Tuesday’s election was around 53 percent.

Roughly 3 percent of registered Napa County voters opted for in-person polling places for the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Statewide, more than 11.2 million of California’s more than 21 million registered voters had already voted. Nationwide, the number exceeded 100 million by Monday evening — almost 70 percent of the 136.5 million people who voted in 2016.

Elections officials have 30 days to certify the results of the election. During those 30 days, election officials continue counting vote-by-mail and provisional ballots. Napa County hopes to include another 8,000 ballots in the next set of election results released Friday afternoon. Further counts are scheduled next week, with the final count expected by Nov. 30.

Election results are considered semi-official until certified Dec. 11 by California secretary of state.