A pedestrian fatally struck by at least two cars early Friday on State Highway 29 in Napa was identified by the Napa County Sheriff-Coroner’s Office as 28-year-old Napa woman Katherine Elizabeth MacMahon.
Personnel with the Napa police and fire departments responded to the collision reported at 5:15 a.m. on northbound SR-29 near Wine Country Avenue. The pedestrian later identified as MacMahon was in the roadway and was pronounced dead at the scene by fire department personnel, according to a statement from Napa police Sgt. Kristofer Jenny.
“The drivers of two involved vehicles and at least one witness remained at the scene,” Jenny said. “The drivers and witnesses are cooperating with the investigation and it does not appear that alcohol, drugs or speed are a factor in the collision.”
The roadway was closed for more than five hours as the Napa Police Department Accident Reconstruction Team investigated the deadly incident. California Highway Patrol and Caltrans helped with traffic control and scene management during the morning commute, police said.
The police department’s preliminary investigation indicated the two involved vehicles were traveling northbound on Highway 29 at or below the speed limit, when MacMahon was struck in a lane of travel.
The police department is looking for anyone who may have captured the collision on surveillance or dashcam video.
“It is believed that other motorists may have struck the pedestrian after the initial collision,” Jenny said.
The sergeant said based upon MacMahon’s clothing at the time of the collision, it did not appear she was jogging.
So we believe she was walking but we have not been able to corroborate that with any witness statements at this point,” Jenny told Patch late Friday afternoon. “We are also unable to confirm whether or not she was in the crosswalk at the time of the collision but we are hoping more witnesses come forward.”
Anyone who has video from the time and location of the collision, or any other pertinent information, is asked to contact Officer Darlene Elia by email at delia@cityofnapa.org or by phone at 707-257-7880, ext. 5211.