Pacific Gas and Electric Company is surveying distribution power lines this week in the Napa and Vallejo areas using helicopters equipped with Light Detection and Ranging — LiDAR — technology.

Bell 206 helicopters are arriving and departing the Napa, Vacaville and Red Bluff airports between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. through Wednesday, PG&E advised.

The helicopters fly at approximately 500 feet, or lower, along overhead power lines, conducting surveys to collect more data on PG&E’s power lines, poles and their surrounding environment in high-fire threat areas, according to PG&E Spokeswoman Deanna Contreras.

“The LiDAR helicopter surveys will help gather data for PG&E’s mapping system by capturing imagery that can be analyzed to take measurements, reveal patterns and identify any potential risks,” Contreras said.

The asset management work involves meeting and exceeding state fire safety standards for power lines during extreme weather conditions, Contreras said.