About Jessica Howell

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So far Jessica Howell has created 138 blog entries.

Hospital Employees Test Positive | Prowlers Caught: Patch PM


Missed today’s headlines? Here are the Patch stories from Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties that people are talking about today:


Petaluma Police Arrest 4 Parolees In 24-Hour Period

Three were wanted by their parole agents

Hospital Employees Test Positive | Prowlers Caught: Patch PM2020-11-15T22:21:59+00:00

Top U.S. States With the Highest COVID-19 Spikes


In terms of percentage, Vermont showed the largest increase among states for new confirmed COVID-19 cases this past week. The state recorded 497 new positive tests over the previous week, a hike of 153 percent.

Louisiana was

Top U.S. States With the Highest COVID-19 Spikes2020-11-19T03:01:06+00:00
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