The Power That Has Been Customers Impacted In Glass Fire is Restored


Pacific Gas and Electric Company has completed restoration of electric service to thousands of customers impacted by the Glass Fire in Napa and Sonoma counties, PG&E said Monday.

” … All remaining power

The Power That Has Been Customers Impacted In Glass Fire is Restored2020-11-15T14:24:19+00:00

The Napa River was an ‘open cesspool’ for a century, then NapaSan came along


Napa Sanitation District is marking a county-transfiguring anniversary—it formed 75 years ago to turn the Napa River from an “open cesspool” with raw sewage into a water recreation draw.

Signs of success abound. Several

The Napa River was an ‘open cesspool’ for a century, then NapaSan came along2020-11-15T00:04:11+00:00
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