Want to make a difference in your community? Do you have expertise you could share? The City Clerk is accepting applications from Napa Residents for a total of five openings; one to serve on the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals; three to serve on the Planning Commission; one to serve on the Napa Valley Transportation Active Transportation Advisory Committee; one to serve on the Napa County Mosquito Abatement District Board.  Please submit application by 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 27, 2020. 

Applications are available online for submission – visit https://www.cityofnapa.org/268/Boards-Commissions for more information about the Commissions and its guidelines and requirements.

The Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals is the local appeals board for the City of Napa regarding issues related to building and fire codes.  Each member should demonstrate knowledge, experience, and training in matters related to building construction and fire protection.   Three appointments shall serve concurrently on the Disability Access Board of Appeals.  Applicants must be City of Napa residents and registered voters.   The Board has no regular meetings and are called as needed.

The Planning Commission is advisory to the City Council on matters related to land use and planning, particularly related to amendments to the City’s General Plan policies and Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission is the decision-making body for specified land use actions, including conditional use permits and design review permits. One of the three appointments shall fill the requirement of “design professional”. Applicants must be City of Napa residents and registered voters.  The Planning Commission meets regularly on the first and third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, located at City Hall, 955 School Street.

The Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) is an Advisory Committee that is responsible to promote and encourage safe bicycling and walking to further Napa’s goal of becoming a bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly city. The Committee consists of eleven members: four members representing the City of Napa; two members represent the County of Napa; two members represent the City of American Canyon; and the Town of Yountville, City of St. Helena, and City of Calistoga each have one member to represent their respective jurisdictions. The Committee meets every month, generally on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the NVTA’s offices at 625 Burnell Street in Napa.

The Napa County Mosquito Abatement District Board is the Governing Body of the Mosquito Abatement District which provides mosquito/vector control services for the County of Napa. The Board consists of six members: one of whom represents the City of Napa. The City Council of the City of Napa appoints one member to the Board of Trustees to serve as the City’s representative.   All other members represent the other governmental jurisdictions in the County of Napa in addition to one member representing the County at-large. The City of Napa representative to the Napa County Mosquito Abatement District Board must be a resident of the City of Napa. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

The City of Napa recruits throughout the year for interested residents to serve on a variety of boards and commissions that examine issues of community concern. Volunteers appointed to serve on a board or commission help City Council and city departments examine issues and, in turn, shape the future of Napa. Board and Commission members are appointed by the City Council and terms vary but are typically either two or three years. Most board members must be city residents and registered voters.

To find out more about the different commissions, committees and boards and to apply online, please visit www.cityofnapa.org and choose Boards Commissions & Committees from the Clerk’s Page. For more information contact Tiffany Carranza, City Clerk, at (707) 257-9503.