It can go without saying that 2020 has been challenging, or quite the stuff-up, to say the least. Which leads to the idea of stuffed foods for this fall season. An easy thing to prepare are the old-fashioned but yummy stuffed mushrooms. Mix 1/2 cup each breadcrumbs and grated cheese, two minced garlic cloves, two tbsp chopped Italian parsley, one tbsp chopped mint leaves, one tsp lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste and a drizzle of olive oil to bind the mixture. Spoon the mixture into 24 large stemmed white mushrooms. Place on an oiled baking sheet, drizzle with a bit more olive oil and bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes until heated through and tender. And we can all pretend the quote “Life is too short to stuff a mushroom” was never uttered.